(related concept: hypothesis testingAntonym: heterogeneity. In a systematic review, the similari...) In hypothesis testingAntonym: heterogeneity. In a systematic review, the similari..., the probability of a Type I errorRelated concept: effect size The effect on the subjects’ h..., i.e. the probability of concluding incorrectly that a null hypothesis(Related concept: Delphi technique) A structured technique f... is false. Note: For example, α could be the probability of concluding that an intervention is effective when it has no true effect. If the investigators set α at 0.05, this means that they accept that there is a 5% risk(Related concept: risk factor) The probability that an event... of a Type I errorRelated concept: effect size The effect on the subjects’ h.... The α-level is commonly set at 0.01, 0.05 or 0.10.
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Син .: неблагоприятная реакция (смежные понятия: неблагоприятное событиеСин .: неблагоприятная реакция (с... и побочный эффект) Вредный или непреднамеренный эффект вмешательства.