Альтернативное правописание: совместное вмешательствоАльтернативное правописание: со... В рандомизированном контролируемом исследовании применение дополнительных диагностических или терапевтических процедур к участникам экспериментальной группы/контрольной группы, или к обоим.
control group
(Related concepts: randomization(Related concept: blinding). Alternate spelling: randomisati..., concurrent controlAlternative spelling: co-morbidity The presence of diseases ..., historical controlAntonym: homogeneity. In a systematic review, the variabilit...) A group of persons that serves as the basis of comparison for assessing the effects of the intervention applied to the subjects in the treatment group. Note: Depending on the circumstances of the trial, a control group(Related concepts: randomization, concurrent control, histor... may receive no treatment, the usual or standard treatment, or a placeboAlternate spelling: pharmaco-economics and • provides info.... To make the comparison valid, the composition of the control group(Related concepts: randomization, concurrent control, histor... must resemble that of the treatment group as closely as possible.