Ant.: positive studyAnt.: negative study A study that has obtained statistically.... A study that does not have statistically significant findings, indicating that the intervention being studied probably does not have a beneficial effect. Note: This term can generate confusion because it refers both to statistical significance(Related concept: p-value) scoping review rapid review and the direction of effect (positive or negative). Since studies analyse multiple outcomes simultaneously, the criteria for classifying a study as “negative” are not always clear and, in the caseSyn.: dichotomous data. Data that can have only two values, ... of studies of risk(Related concept: risk factor) The probability that an event... or adverse effects, “negative” studies are ones that do not show a harmful effect.
and • provides information on costs and financial impact. Note 2: The report may optionally discuss organisational considerations. Note 3: A “mini-HTA(Related concept: PubMed) An electronic database of medical ...” may be as rigorous as an HTA report but typically has a restricted scope and so is quicker to produce. Note 4: Related terms include health technologyAlternative spelling: gray literature The documents assessment(Related concept:health technology). "The application of sci..., HTA report, rapid reviewAlternate spelling: randomised controlled trial A study comp..., level of evidence(Related concept: equity) The principle of fairness that sta....»