новая развивающаяся медицинская технология
estimate of effect
(Related concept: treatment effectRelated concept: effect size The effect on the subjects’ h...) In a study, the relationship between the outcomeSyn.: ordered categorical data and • provides information ... observed when an intervention is applied and the outcomeSyn.: ordered categorical data and • provides information ... observed in a control group(Related concepts: randomization, concurrent control, histor.... Note: This relationship may be expressed as a number needed to treat, oddsRelated terms: disinvestment and • provides information on... ratio, risk differenceSyn.: absolute risk reduction (Related concepts: number need..., relative risk(Related concept: risk factor) The probability that an event..., standardised meanSyn.: arithmetic mean A measure of central tendency calculat... difference or weighted meanSyn.: arithmetic mean A measure of central tendency calculat... difference.