Alternate spelling: p-value In hypothesis testingAntonym: heterogeneity. In a systematic review, the similari..., the probability that a parameter to be tested has a value(Related concepts: utility and preference.) A cardinal measu... as extreme or more extreme than the value(Related concepts: utility and preference.) A cardinal measu... that would be observed if the null hypothesis(Related concept: Delphi technique) A structured technique f... were true. Note: If the p valueAlternate spelling: p-value In hypothesis testing, the proba... associated with the statistical test(Related concept: p-value) scoping review rapid review is equal to or greater than the alpha level that was determined (0.01 or 0.05, for example), this means that the association or difference observed may be due to chance and that the null hypothesis(Related concept: Delphi technique) A structured technique f... cannot be rejected. However, if the p valueAlternate spelling: p-value In hypothesis testing, the proba... is less than the alpha level that was determined, the association or difference is statistically significant, and the null hypothesis(Related concept: Delphi technique) A structured technique f... is rejected.
others compare two treatment groups, each being a control for the other.»
and • provides information on costs and financial impact. Note 2: The report may optionally discuss organisational considerations. Note 3: A “mini-HTA(Related concept: PubMed) An electronic database of medical ...” may be as rigorous as an HTA report but typically has a restricted scope and so is quicker to produce. Note 4: Related terms include health technologyAlternative spelling: gray literature The documents assessment(Related concept:health technology). "The application of sci..., HTA report, rapid reviewAlternate spelling: randomised controlled trial A study comp..., level of evidence(Related concept: equity) The principle of fairness that sta....»