Альтернативное правописание: совместное вмешательствоАльтернативное правописание: со... В рандомизированном контролируемом исследовании применение дополнительных диагностических или терапевтических процедур к участникам экспериментальной группы/контрольной группы, или к обоим.
«The funding or reimbursement of a health technologyAlternative spelling: gray literature The documents publishe... or service that is conditional on specific criteria. Note 1: The funding is often provided by a health care agency or payer, such as: the government, health maintenance organization or health insurance organization. Note 2: The criteria could be: — imposed by the payer (for example, a restriction on the population eligible for the technology(Related concept:health technology). "The application of sci..., a price-volume agreement or funding tied to the achievement of clinical outcomes), or agreed between the payer and the technology(Related concept:health technology). "The application of sci... provider as an interim measure during evidence development (for example, managed entry(Related concept: equity) The principle of fairness that sta... or coverage with evidence development arrangements). Note 3: Related terms include «»monitored use»».»