Син.: до-тестовое /после-тестовое исследование Дизайн исследования, в котором группа субъектов наблюдается до и после вмешательства или воздействия определенного фактора.
case report
Syn.: caseSyn.: dichotomous data. Data that can have only two values, ... study In clinical research: an uncontrolled observational study(Related concept: non-experimental study.) A study in which ... of an intervention or of exposure to a given factor, and of its outcomeSyn.: ordered categorical data and • provides information ... in a single individual. In social research: an empirical(Related concepts: allocative efficiency and technical effic... research method that studies a contemporary phenomenon in its natural contextSyn.: patient representative. A person or organization who/t..., when the relationship between the phenomenon and its contextSyn.: patient representative. A person or organization who/t... is complex, and when a number of data sources are needed in order to understand the relationship. An uncontrolled observational study(Related concept: non-experimental study.) A study in which ... of an intervention or of exposure to a given factor, and of its outcomeSyn.: ordered categorical data and • provides information ... in a seriesRelated concept: meta-analysis "A statistical method that al... of subjects.