Syn.: verification bias(Related concepts: utility and preference.) A cardinal measu.... A form of bias(related concepts: hypothesis testing, statistical power) In... that occurs in the study of diagnostic test validityRelated concept: methodological quality The ability of the r... when the test result influences the decision whether to use the gold standardSee reference standard. новая развивающаяс.... Note: This bias(related concepts: hypothesis testing, statistical power) In... can substantially distort the estimation of the validityRelated concept: methodological quality The ability of the r... of the test studied. It can be avoided if all the eligible subjects are consecutively verified using the gold standardSee reference standard. новая развивающаяс..., regardless of the result of the test studied, or if the subjects are selected on the basis of the results of the gold standardSee reference standard. новая развивающаяс..., before the results of the test studied are known.
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